Thursday, 11 December 2008

Tut tut

UPDATED 7/1/09
This entry has been commandeered to help me get this thing back on track. The oldness can remain down there as some sort of memento as I get round to things.
- Room and Nagoya update to 2008
- Christmas and New Years adventures in Korea

These will be written! Eventually...

EDIT: All now done. Phew.

PS. I don't know how many of you have worked this out yet, but if you hold your mouse cursor over the images on my blog for a short while, either a description or some short, potentially entertaining humour ensues. Have a go...

Oh dear, it's all going the shape of the pear. No entry in almost a whole month, small and limited contact with the outside world, and general disappearance into another continent.

This is just a very quick note to say that I'm still alive, well and generally bumbling around Japan. And no, I haven't forgotten the blog and yes, I have been writing bits of it. Kind of. It's more like I go and do something worth writing about, and I never seem to finish writing about it and posting it up here. This behaviour will hopefully change next week as work curtails, people go home for the holidays and I find myself with more time to kill.

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